Data privacy

This privacy policy applies to the collection, processing and use of your personal data ("data processing") when you use our website

The controller for data collection, data processing and data use within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation is

CBB Consulting by Besevic
Hallesche Straße 110
44143 Dortmund.

Data protection is a matter of trust and your trust is important to us. We respect your privacy and personal sphere. The protection and legally compliant collection, processing and utilisation of your personal data is therefore an important concern for us. When processing your personal data, we strictly observe the statutory provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Telemedia Act.

This privacy policy is intended to provide you with an overview of the way in which CBB collects and uses personal data when you use this website and the services and offers accessible via it.

Collection, processing and use of personal data
We collect, store and process your personal data only if you provide it to us voluntarily in the course of the order enquiry process. We use the data collected exclusively for the fulfilment of the contract, including any subsequent warranties.
Once the contract has been fully processed, your data will be blocked and deleted after expiry of the tax and commercial law regulations, unless you have expressly consented to any further use of your data.
For the conclusion and processing of contracts, depending on the individual case, we require your correct contact details such as name, delivery and billing address as well as details of the type of payment method you have chosen with the associated payment information such as your credit card details.
We need your e-mail address so that we can confirm receipt of your order and communicate with you. 

Disclosure of personal data
Your personal data will not be passed on, sold or otherwise transferred to third parties - neither for marketing nor for advertising purposes.
Personal data will only be passed on or otherwise transmitted to third parties if this is necessary for the purpose of contract fulfilment. In this context, order data may be passed on to suppliers if this is necessary for the delivery of the goods.
In order to process payments, we pass on your payment data to the credit institution/payment provider(s) commissioned to process the payment.
Any further transfer or disclosure of personal data to third parties will take place if you have given us your prior consent, within the framework of mandatory national legislation or if disclosure is necessary for legal or criminal prosecution in the event of attacks on our network infrastructure. 

Use of contact forms
You can use the contact forms provided on our website to get in touch with us directly or request up-to-date information from us. We collect, process and use the information you provide via a contact form solely for the purpose of processing your request.

Storage of access data
When you access our website, data such as the IP address, date and duration of the visit, the identification data of the browser and operating system type used or the name of the Internet service provider and the referrer page are temporarily stored on our web servers as standard. 
As a rule, it is not possible or intended for us to make a personal reference.
This data is only collected for data security purposes and to optimise our website. The data is not analysed in any other way, except for statistical purposes and then generally in anonymised form.

Data security
We use technical and organisational measures to secure our website and other systems against loss, destruction, access, modification or dissemination of your data by unauthorised persons.
All our employees who collect, process or use personal data are obliged to maintain data secrecy in accordance with the GDPR and to handle data processing systems properly.
Your personal data is transmitted to us in encrypted form. This applies to your order and other enquiries.
Credit card data and data about your bank details are only stored in accordance with the statutory provisions.

Use of cookies
Cookies are small text files that are transmitted to the computer together with the data actually requested from the Internet. This data is stored there and kept ready for later retrieval.
We use cookies in some areas to make our website more user-friendly and effective overall - for example, to speed up navigation on our platform.
Most of the cookies we use are so-called "session cookies". These are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of your visit. Other cookies remain on your computer system and enable us to recognise your computer system on your next visit (so-called persistent cookies). Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain viruses.
Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. Of course you can also view our website without cookies. If you do not want us to recognise your computer, you can prevent cookies from being stored on your hard drive by selecting "Do not accept cookies" in your browser settings. Please refer to your browser manufacturer's instructions to find out how this works in detail. If you deactivate cookies, certain features on our website may not be available to you and some web pages may not be displayed correctly.

External links
If you use external links that are offered on our website, this data protection declaration does not extend to these links. We accept no responsibility for third-party content made available for use via links and do not adopt their content as our own.
If we provide links, we assure you that at the time the link was created, no violations of applicable law were recognisable on the linked websites. However, we have no influence on compliance with data protection and security regulations by other providers. Therefore, please also inform yourself about the data protection declarations provided on the websites of other providers.

Information, correction and deletion of data
We would like to point out that you can revoke any consent you have given us under data protection law at any time with effect for the future.
According to the General Data Protection Regulation, you also have the right to free information about your stored data and, if necessary, the right to correct, block or delete this data.
Upon written request, we will provide information free of charge about the personal data we have stored about you.
Please send your request for information, correction, blocking or deletion as well as the revocation of consents granted by e-mail or by post, clearly identifying yourself to:

CBB Consulting by Besevic
Hallesche Straße 110

44143 Dortmund

Please note that your right to erasure of data may be restricted by statutory retention obligations that we must observe.

Changes to our privacy policy
We reserve the right to amend the privacy policy at any time in compliance with the applicable statutory data protection regulations.

How to contact us
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or about data protection in general, please contact us.